Tuesday, August 30, 2011

WBFF Worlds - Post Show Wrap Up

So I have just finished the WBFF World Championships and it was one of the greatest experiences of my lifetime. I think it is very important to always be honest in your blog, because that is what people want to hear. If I am always towing the company line I am not a value to myself, the organization or my fellow competitors; so I am going to blog honestly today. What I know is that I am one of the most dedicated individuals in the sport. I also know I started much later then many of my fellow competitors. Lastly, this is my first year not competing in fitness and unless you have been published in a magazine people in this sport just don't know who you are. With all of this said that is fine with me. In fact the only reason I bring it up is to provide perspective for what I am about to say. When competing in a subjective sport there will always be some judges scores that are based on the reputation of that athlete and not the actual presentation of that athlete on stage. That's fine, it just means that if I want to compete against that athlete I have to build the same reputation and I have already started to do so. You will see me in magazines, you will read my blogs, columns and posts; and you will see me making waves in the fitness industry that I love so much.

As for my placement and my scores, I never look at the scores after a show. I call very key people to get feedback but the judges scores don't mean anything to me unless I am top 5. Being a judge myself there are so many variables that go into those numbers and the difference between 6th and 16th really are meaningless from a scoring perspective. In fact most judges you talk to won't even remember why a 16th placing competitor wasn't a 6th place competitor. I came to the WBFF World Championships in the best condition (not shape) of my life. I know I have what it takes to repeat that condition and even improve on it in the future and I will be a force to be reckoned with.  I knew I was going to be the smallest package on that stage and I was, but it was a clean, tight and classy package. As for my improvements, it is time to dial in my arms and shoulders. It's a goal that I have had for a long time, but never had the time because the fitness season was so long and so physically demanding, but now things have changed. I now only compete once or twice per year, so exactly 1 year from today I will be stepping back on the WBFF World Stage with a better, bigger and tighter package. And just to let all of my followers know, YES I am drug free. I do not take any muscle builders, fat burners or diuretics.

Judging Criteria....In this post show light I do have some issues with the lack of judging consistency at this show. This is the first time I have experienced this with the WBFF. There were girls that looked like figure competitors that were in the top 5 in fitness model, so I would like the federation to publish more specific judging criteria and hold their judges accountable for that criteria; but for the most part the judging was fair. Look we are paying for somebodies opinion in a very subjective sport; so there is always going to be some differences of opinion on judging.

Lastly and most importantly, I am so thrilled to be the recipient of the Monica Brant award for motivation and excellence. I have dedicated my adult life to making a difference in peoples lives and was hugely rewarded this weekend. It is such a huge honor to receive this award and I will cherish it always.

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