Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Competition Secret Weapon #7

Motivation is the key component to being successful in life. I have a lot of little things that motivate me from my bracelets, to my dream board; but a friend of mine turned me onto a clothing company a little while ago. I have always been somebody that has gone against the grain in life. People have always told me I couldn't do something and I proved them wrong and did it. When I was a child I was a champion Equestrian and people told me unless your parents are rich you will never win. Well guess what, my parents aren't rich, and guess what, I won!!! I bought horses that were on their last legs intended for the killers (this is not a joke) and won against horses that people paid 100's of thousands of dollars for. A few years ago I saw something with this Pole Fitness thing. I am a business woman and I want to do pole fitness so their have to be other women like me. I told my friends in the fitness industry that I was going to develop a legitimate pole fitness program and teacher training program. Everybody laughed at me. Well guess what I am the pioneer in the pole fitness industry and I was first to have my program 3rd party validated. Then I wanted to compete in Fitness and I wanted to use my pole as my prop. I was told you will never win with that pole. I was told I was a one hit wonder that can't do anything else. Also my judges score card said "stripping isn't fitness". Seriously I am an acrobat not a stripper. So, what did I do. I created pole fitness routines that had more strength moves then any other competitor. I knew the judges wouldn't give me any recognition for my strength moves on my pole so I did a minimum of 6 strength moves on my pole and an additional 6 strength moves on the floor. Well guess what, I did win on a national and an international level. So every single time anybody has said I can't or I won't I have told them I will, I have, and I did!!!

So, this is my new favorite clothing company "Say I Won't". Say I won't reminds me every day what I stand for. I have this sticker in my studio on the top of my pole. I love what I do and I love changing the face of fitness every chance I get.


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